319 Best Banana Captions For Instagram with Quotes

Bananas are the most delicious and well-known fruit in all over the world. It is among the most popular and widely consumed fruits. If you have banana photos, then you will also look for sweet words like banana. These banana captions for Instagram with quotes are best for you. Choose the best words and enjoy.

Banana is a very famous fruit for its different shape, beautiful yellow colour and sweet taste. You always feel amazing when you consume such delicious fruit. Whether you are looking for the best banana captions or funny captions, here we have covered you with all.

You just have to scroll down the list and give a critical view to these words, to select the best. Choose the perfect one for your selfies and enjoy! 

Banana Fruit Captions For Instagram

If you are looking for banana fruit captions for Instagram. Then don’t worry about the perfect words.

  • Getting the peels of summer! 

  • My favourite kind of healthy circle. 

  • Team banana republic all the way. 

  • Yellow sweetness can be so addicting. 

  • Banana day can be every day. 

  • Like Banana juice 

  • My favourite source of potassium. 

  • Peel your sadness away with a cup of a banana sundae! 

  • I always have my feet on a banana peel because I keep falling for its goodness. 

  • What banana dessert should I prepare next? 

  • I wonder what’s the skincare of this banana peel.  

  • If I was a banana, I’d be organic and fresh. 

  • I’m not a morning person, but I love my banana pancakes with maple syrup.

  • I’m a banana, and I love to stand out.

  • I’m a banana, and I love to peel.

  • I’m not a banana, I’m a banana cruise.

  • I’m not a morning person, but I love my banana pan cakes with blueberries and whipped cream.

  • Bananas are my go-to fruit when I need a quick snack or want to add a little sweetness to my diet.

  • I’m not a big fan of bananas as a fruit, but I love them in desserts.

  • I’m a banana, and I always get bananas stuck in my house.

  • I’m not a morning person, but I love my banana oatmeal.

  • I’m a banana, and I always get bananas stuck in my chair cushions.

  • If you want to climb your way to my heart, peel me a banana. 

  • Only bananas have a heart for me. 

  • Tea is always my favourite

  • Do bananas ever peel sadness? 

  • Bananas: my favourite yellow fruit. 

  • From amazon to Lululemon: Baby Banana got places to go. 

  • “A slice of heaven in a loaf of bread” 

  • Nothing gets a party started like a banana. 

  • This banana bread is delicious and so moist! It’s perfect for breakfast or tea time. 

  • Me: I’ll have a medium coffee. Waitress: Can I just get you a banana? Me: Huh? Oh…. 

  • “Why did the banana go to the party? Because it was a-peeling!” 

  • The blend of banana and ice cream is phenomenal! 

  • I loaf bananas so much! 

  • “Go bananas and embrace the potassium!” 

  • Ezoic 

  • “I’m gonna try to bake this one.” – Hilarious

  • “I find it a-peeling to be funny… and a fruit!” 

  • Life’s a little less sweet without bananas. My happiness lies in between a banana split. 

  • Halfway between bad and bananas. 

  • “Bananas are my favourite fruit because they make everything better.” -Andy SambergI can’t imagine my breakfast meal without two slices of banana bread. 

  • “This is the best banana bread I have ever had.”

  • “Start your day with a smile and a banana! ”Only bananas have a heart for me. 

  • “Bananas are like plants: You need at least one to make an ecosystem work.” –Douglas Adams 

  • I’m a banana, and I always get bananas stuck in my phone.

    Banana Fruit Captions For Instagram

  • I’m not a morning person, but I love my banana smoothie.

  • Bananas are a great way to get your daily vitamin b12.

  • I’m not sure what banana I am, but I love being in the banana stand.

  • Bananas are a great way to get your daily vitamin C.

  • Burger is my love 

  • I’m a banana, and I’m always getting bananas stuck in my pants.

  • I’m a banana, and I love to go green.

  • Bananas are the perfect fruit because they’re sweet and versatile.

  • I’m not a morning person, but I love my banana pancakes with banana and almond butter.

  • “There’s never a bad time for a slice of banana bread.”My kind of summer is riding a banana boat forever! 

  • What banana dessert should I prepare next? 

  • Peanut butter is my favourite 

  • “Warm, fragrant, and oh-so-delicious: fresh banana bread straight from the oven!” 

  • If you liked it, then you should have put a banana on it. 

  • It’s the kind of pudding you can’t resist. 

  • A typical morning walk with my family. After walk Made with bananas, seeds, and nuts. Banana bread is the best. 

  • Some bananas are worth diving for, especially if they’re a boat. 

  • Banana bread is made with a secret combination of ingredients, including cream, coconut, and oats. Try one for breakfast or enjoy it as a snack! 

  • Always like coffee 

  • “Banana bread perfection: the ultimate comfort food for any time of the day! ”Real friends text your texts, not banana emojis. 

  • I like bananas, how a-boat you? 

  • Bread with peanut butter! 

  • “This banana knows how to slip on a good joke!” 

  • I haven’t drank a beverage that doesn’t go with banana bread. 

  • “Why did the banana wear sunscreen? It didn’t want to peel! ”Like a chameleon, the colour of this Banana is so adaptable, and it changes to match its surroundings. 

  • I loaf you so mashed, banana. 

  • Drinking is my passion 

  • You can never go wrong with a classic combo. Pair your favourite fruits with a banana to create the perfect snack!

  • It’s a good day to be a banana, and a better day to be a banana to my friends.

  • Don’t go bananas over this summer staple, use bananas to make these feel-good bites for under 50 calories.

    Banana Fruit Captions For Instagram

  • Like a good neighbour, Banana is there.

  • The best part of waking up is fruit in your cup.

  • It’s totally cool if you don’t eat bananas. Sometimes I don’t, either.

  • How could anyone ever call you a fruitcake? We don’t even know how people can live without you.

  • I’m a banana, and I love going on picnics.

  • Bananas are a nice way to start the morning.

  • Bananas foster a healthy appetite.

  • Bananas are the perfect fruit, because they’re healthy and delicious.

  • I’m a banana, and I love to stay yellow.

Funny Banana Captions For Instagram

If you want to give a smile to your followers then these funny banana captions for Instagram are best for you.

  • “I didn’t make this Banana Bread, but I’m going to eat it anyway.” 

  • I can’t stop dreaming about banana bread at night. 

  • My favourite source of potassium.

  • Bananas are the perfect breakfast food because they’re filling and have plenty of potassium! 

  • It’s the fruit of the day—a perfect snack to keep you going strong 

  • The Banana is a B-A-N-A-N-A. 

  • This one is for all the lazy bunch. Name! 

  • “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. 

  •  It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.”  

    Funny Banana Captions For Instagram

  • “Just monkeying around with my favourite fruit!” 

  • “Happiness is a warm slice of banana bread.” 

  • Always like delicious lunch 

  • You might think it’s a banana, and Nope, that’s just my phone. 

  • “I’m not a snack, I’m a whole fruit!” 

  • I’m a banana for every situation.

  • Bananas are my favourite fruit because they’re a great way to use up leftover mashed potatoes or rice

  • Bananas foster a healthy digestive system.

  • I’m a banana, and I always get bananas stuck in my computer.

  • I’m a banana, and I love going swimming.

  • I’m not a morning person, but I love my banana smoothie with berries.

  • I’m a banana, and I always get bananas stuck in my vacuum cleaners.

  • I’m not a morning person, but I love my banana smoothie with avocado and honey.

  • “Serving up some serious yellow vibes! Who’s ready for a banana feast? “ 

  • “I’m going bananas over this perfect moment. ”I’m not a morning person, but I love my banana pancakes with maple syrup. 

  • I’m a banana, and I love to stand out. 

  • I’m a banana, and I love to peel.

  •  Bananas are the perfect way to say you’re sorry.

  • I’m not a banana, I’m a banana cruise. 

  • I’m not a morning person, but I love my banana pancakes with blueberries and whipped cream. 

  • Bananas are my go-to fruit when I need a quick snack or want to add a little sweetness to my diet. 

  • I’m not a big fan of bananas as a fruit, but I love them in desserts. 

  • I’m a banana, and I always get bananas stuck in my house. 

  • I’m not a morning person, but I love my banana oatmeal. 

  • I’m a banana, and I always get bananas stuck in my chair cushions. 

  • I am carrot cake lover 

  • I’m a banana, and I always get bananas stuck in my phone. 

  • I’m not a morning person, but I love my banana smoothie. 

  • Bananas are a great way to get your daily vitamin b12. 

  • I’m not sure what banana I am, but I love being in the banana stand. 

  • Bananas are a great way to get your daily vitamin c. 

  • I’m a banana, and I’m always getting bananas stuck in my pants. 

    Funny Banana Captions For Instagram

  • I’m a banana, and I love to go green. 

  • Bananas are a great way to get your potassium.

  • I’m a banana, and I love going to the store.

  • I am flower lover 

  • I love bananas because they’re a great way to use up leftover mashed potatoes or rice!

  • I’m not sure why I’m attracted to bananas, but I am.

  • Bananas are a great way to get your daily vitamin b6.

  • I’m not a morning person, but I love my banana pancakes with strawberries and whipped cream.

  • I’m not a morning person, but I love my banana oatmeal with bananas.

  • Bananas are a great way to increase your daily vitamin intake.

  • Sunrise is beautiful time 

  • Bananas are the perfect fruit because they’re sweet and versatile. 

  • I’m not a morning person, but I love my banana pancakes with banana and almond butter. 

  • Bananas are a nice way to start the morning. 

  • Bananas foster a healthy appetite. 

  • Bananas are the perfect breakfast food because they’re filling and have plenty of potassium! 

  • Bananas are the perfect fruit, because they’re healthy and delicious. 

  • I’m a banana, and I love going on picnics. 

  • I’m a banana, and I love to stay yellow.Bananas are a great way to increase your daily calorie intake. 

  • Golden hours with sweet Bananas 

  • I’m not a morning person, but I love my banana pancakes. 

  • I’m a banana, and I love to be a healthy snack. 

  • I’m not a morning person, but I love my banana smoothie with banana and honey. 

  • Bananas are a great source of vitamin A

  • I’m a banana, and I always get bananas stuck in my keyboards. 

    Funny Banana Captions For Instagram

  • I’m a banana, and I love eating with my family

  • It’s time to make friends with fruit again.

  • The world’s most perfect food.

  • Talk about guacamole and watch the world take notice.

  • I’ve got a good feeling about today.

  • Time flies when you’re making memories.

  • What’s the one thing that always makes you feel better?

  • Banana fruit, the greatest fruit of all time, is here to make your day great.

  • Oh, the weather outside is getting frightful

  • Popcorn is always amazing 

  • Natural fruit snacks are the best snack to eat for breakfast because of their fibre, Vitamins, and minerals

Best Banana Captions For Instagram 

Here are the best banana captions for Instagram.

Choose the best and enjoy. 

  • Bananas are a great way to get your daily dose of vitamin c. 

  • I’m not a morning person, but I love my banana pancakes with strawberries

  • I’m a banana for everything. 

  • A banana a day keeps the doctor away. 

  • I’m not a morning person, but I love my banana omelette. 

  • Bananas are a great way to increase your daily intake of potassium. 

  • Bananas are a great source of dietary fibre. 

    Best Banana Captions For Instagram 

  • I’m not a morning person, but I love my banana pancakes with blueberries. 

  • Bananas are a great way to increase your daily intake of magnesium. 

  • I’m a banana for every mood. 

  • Good Vibes with Bananas

  • I’m a banana, and I always get bananas stuck in my table. 

  • Bananas are a great source of antioxidants. 

  • I’m a banana, and I love being peeled. 

  • Bananas are my favourite fruit because they’re a healthy fruit and make a great snack. 

  • I’m a banana, and I always get bananas stuck in my cars.

  • Bananas are a great way to get your daily dose of vitamin E.

  • I’m a banana, and I always get bananas stuck in my pots and pans.

  • I’m a banana, and I love going for a ride in the car.

  • I’m not a morning person, but I love my banana pancakes with nuts and bananas.

  • Turkey is my favourite country 

  • I’m a banana, and I love going on hikes.

  • I love bananas because they’re the perfect way to use up leftover mashed potatoes or rice!

  • I’m a banana, and I love to dance.

  • I’m not a morning person, but I love my banana pancakes with bananas and honey.

  • I’m not a morning person, but I love my banana smoothie bowl. 

  • Bananas are a great way to get your daily fibre. 

  • I’m a banana, and I always get bananas stuck in my walls. 

  • Bananas are a great way to get your daily dose of vitamin k

  • Bananas are my favourite fruit because they’re a great way to add sweetness to my diet.

  • Friendship with Bananas 

  • I’m a banana, and I always get bananas stuck in my chair. 

  • I love bananas because they’re a healthy fruit and make a great snack. 

  • I’m a banana, and I always get bananas stuck in my tv. 

  • I’m a banana, and I’m going to ban you. 

  • Bananas are a great way to get your daily dose of magnesium. 

  • I’m a banana, and I’m always looking for a banana.

  • I’m not a morning person, but I love my banana muffins

  • I’m not a morning person, but I love my banana pancakes with syrup and bananas. 

  • I’m a banana, and I always get bananas stuck in my furniture. 

  • I’m not a banana, I’m a banana split. 

  • I’m not a morning person, but I love my banana smoothie with avocado. 

  • I’m a banana, and I’m always falling off bananas. 

  • I’m a banana for anytime. 

  • I’m a banana, and I love solo travel

  • I’m a banana, and I love to make people laugh. 

    Best Banana Captions For Instagram 

  • I love bananas because they’re my favourite fruit and I can eat them as is, make a banana split, or put them in my cereal! 

  • I’m a banana, and I always get bananas stuck in my curtains. 

  • I’m a banana, and I love to make people smile. 

  • I’m a banana, and I’m always getting bananas stuck in my hair. 

  • I’m a banana, and I love to make people happy. 

  • Bananas are great for when I want something sweet but don’t want to eat a lot of sugar. 

  • Sunset is always amazing 

  • Bananas are my favourite fruit because they’re versatile and can be eaten in so many ways. 

  • I’m not saying bananas are bad, I’m just saying they’re not as good as they used to be. 

  • I’m not a morning person, but I love my banana pancakes with almonds. 

  • Bananas are a great way to get your daily vitamin e. 

  • I’m not a morning person, but I love my banana smoothie with flaxseed.

  •  I’m a banana, and I love going to the beach

  • I love bananas because they’re healthy and make a great snack. 

  • I’m a banana, and I always get bananas stuck in my ceilings. 

  • I’m a banana, and I love to have a short shelf life. 

  • Hi hello. How are you today?

  • Think outside the box and don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone.

  • Hello world, we’re at the top of our game. Just sayin’

  • Did you know? A banana’s starch converts to sugar as it ripens, so the more ripe a banana is, the sweeter it tastes. Plus, who doesn’t like a sweet surprise? 

  • Yellow dress with yellow Bananas

  • Life’s a lot like a banana. It’s full of fibre and potassium, it’s considered a berry, it grows in bunches, and most people eat the peel.

  • I’m a banana, and I love to bake.

  • I’m sorry, I ate all of your bananas.

  • I’m not a morning person, but I love my banana oatmeal with honey.

  • I’m a banana, and I love going to the library.

  • I’m not a morning person, but this banana is making me rethink that.

  • I’m a banana for every occasion.

  • I am egg Lover

  • I’m not a morning person, but I love my banana pancakes with caramel.

Banana Quotes For Instagram

Here are the cool banana quotes for you.

Banana Quotes For Instagram

Choose the best and enjoy.

  • Bananas are a great source of vitamin e. 

  • I’m a banana for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. 

  • Bananas are a great source of vitamin b6. 

  • Bananas are always cute

  • If you don’t have Insta-bae, your feed is bananas. 

  • If you liked it, then you should have put a banana on it. 

  • If you love bananas and banana bread, you’re collecting these little lovelies before the sweetest season comes to an end.

  • They say bananas are the fruit of knowledge but, I don’t know what that means. 

  • Do you know them? We woke up next to them this morning. 

  • “Bananas are a constant source of energy for me.” 

  • I feel ridiculous every time I try to spell ‘banana,’ since I never know when to end it. 

  • I am chocolate lover

  • “I see you, and suddenly I’m head over heels in love. I suppose love is similar to a banana peel. 

  • “Anything is possible. There is always a large banana peel of existence on the ground. 

  • “There are many banana skins in life. If you fall, just keep going. 

  • Fruit flies like a banana while time flies like an arrow. 

  • “Unless you’re a banana, the older you get, the better you get,” was something my mother used to say all the time. 

  • “Yeah, I enjoy football and cars. You know what I prefer, though? Bananas.” 

  • “Never look someone in the eye while eating a banana.” 

  • “The shelf life of intellectual property is that of a banana.” 

  • Never disturb me while I’m eating a banana, please. 

  • Bananas are a constant source of energy for me.” 

  • I feel ridiculous every time I try to spell ‘banana,’ since I never know when to end it. 

  • “Bananas are a constant source of energy for me.”

  • I feel ridiculous every time I try to spell ‘banana,’ since I never know when to end it.

  • Only humans can reach for the skies; any ape can reach for a banana. 

  • “I see you, and suddenly I’m head over heels in love. I suppose love is similar to a banana peel.

  • “Yeah, I enjoy basketball and cars. You know what I prefer, though? Bananas.” 

  • “I see you, and suddenly I’m head over heels in love. I suppose love is similar to a banana peel. 

  • “Anything is possible. There is always a large banana peel of existence on the ground. 

  • “Try a banana if you can’t chew and can’t think.” 

  • Mango lover but I also like banana 

  • Being the top banana in the shock department is wonderful, I suppose. 

  • “I wager you cannot consume ten bananas!” “You’re right, I’ll bet” 

  • I genuinely believe that bananas are a pitiful fruit. 

    Banana Quotes For Instagram

  • “I feel fairly well. My physical appearance genuinely resembles an old banana, but it’s okay. 

  • Banana trees are not actually trees, but large herbaceous plants.

  • They belong to the family Musaceae and are native to tropical regions.

  • The banana tree is one of the oldest cultivated plants, with evidence of cultivation dating back thousands of years.

  • The leaves of a banana tree are large and broad, with a characteristic elongated shape.

  • We’re going to go extremely high in the midday heat and do it to you delicious banana like it’s never been done. 

  • Banana trees are not actually trees, but large herbaceous plants. 

  • They belong to the family Musaceae and are native to tropical regions. 

  • The apple tree is one of the oldest cultivated plants, with evidence of cultivation dating back thousands of years. 

  • The leaves of a banana tree are large and broad, with a characteristic elongated shape. 

  • Banana plants produce one large inflorescence known as a “banana heart” or “banana blossom,” which eventually develops into a cluster of bananas. 

  • Bananas are technically berries and are one of the most widely consumed fruits worldwide. 

  • The average banana bunch can weigh between 30 to 50 pounds and contain around 150 to 200 individual bananas. 

  • Banana plants are fast-growing and can produce fruit within 9 to 15 months after planting. 

  • I always like the festivals 

  • The majority of bananas grown for commercial consumption belong to the Cavendish variety, but there are numerous other cultivars with different flavours and textures. 

  • Bananas are a good source of potassium, vitamin C, and dietary fibre. 

  • In some cultures, banana leaves are used for cooking and serving food, as they are large, flexible, and waterproof. 

  • “Yeah, I like cars and basketball. But you know what I like more? Bananas.” —Frankie Muniz 

  • Food truck is my favourite but with Bananas

  • “Life is full of banana skins. You slip, you carry on.” — Daphne Guinness

  • “Goals are like bananas, they come in bunches.” — Brendan Morrison 

  • “Time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana.” — Groucho Marx 

  • “Any ape can reach for a banana, but only humans can reach for the stars.” —Vilayanur S. Ramachandran 

  • “Never interrupt me when I’m eating a banana.” —- Ryan Stiles 

  • “Anything can happen. The great banana peel of existence is always on the floor somewhere.” — Robert Fulghum 

  • If you love bananas, have a banana for a friend.

    Banana Quotes For Instagram

  • You can never go wrong with a banana smoothie.

  • How ’bout an extra-ripe banana for your midmorning snack?

  • Don’t get chapped lips this winter—be prepared and eat a bunch of bananas. 

  • The perfect snack for everyone in the family.

  • Cheers to black tees and shoes, the best way to enjoy fall.

  • That’s going to leave a mark.

  • Fall may be turning a page but you can continue reading the same great books with our comforting Banana Fruit Bar.

  • Say to the best of both worlds: bananas, a great source of potassium and vitamin B6, and blueberries, which help your body produce energy.

  • “Anything is possible. There is always a large banana peel of existence on the ground.

  • “Try a banana if you can’t chew and can’t think.”

  • Being the top banana in the shock department is wonderful, I suppose.

  • “I wager you cannot consume ten bananas!” “You’re right, I’ll bet”

  • I genuinely believe that bananas are a pitiful fruit.

  • “I feel fairly well. My physical appearance genuinely resembles an old banana, but it’s okay.

  • I like fall season but with Bananas 

  • Banana plants produce one large inflorescence known as a “banana heart” or “banana blossom,” which eventually develops into a cluster of bananas.

  • Bananas are technically berries and are one of the most widely consumed fruits worldwide.

  • The average banana bunch can weigh between 30 to 50 pounds and contain around 150 to 200 individual bananas.

  • Banana plants are fast-growing and can produce fruit within 9 to 15 months after planting.


In the final words, we can say that bananas are the best fruit of the season. Bananas are famous for their taste. It is a healthy fruit as it consists of vitamins and nutrients. If you are looking for the perfect and best words for your banana pictures. Then these banana captions for Instagram are best for you. We assure you that these words will help you to get popularity on your account. We have collected these words from different sources. Choose the best and enjoy! 

What is this banana?

It is a very “popular fruit due to its low price and high nutritive value”.

What are the health benefits of bananas?

Bananas improve digestion and heart health.

Which banana is best?

Standard yellow banana is best.

What is a quote about bananas?

A quote about bananas is: ““Life is full of banana skins. You slip, you carry on.” —Daphne Guinness

Is banana a happy mood?

Bananas are known for Happy mood and Happy fruit.

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