Vermont Captions, Puns and Quotes for Instagram

Are you looking for Vermont captions and quotes for Instagram? Then you are at the right place, you have no need to look further! These words will help you a lot to describe the beauty of nature. If you are a great admirer of nature then it’s the best place for you to visit and enjoy. It can be said that this is a state that is famous all over the world in terms of beautiful and charming landscapes.

What is Vermont known for?

Vermont is known for its majestic green mountains, natural beauty, hiking trails, and forested beauty. It is also known for its wooden covered bridges and there are more than a hundred such bridges in this state.

If you want to share a beautiful photo taken in this state and are looking for words, then you are at the right place. We have put together a list of beautiful captions to compliment your next trip’s beautiful scenery. These captions are perfect for sharing on Instagram. It will be easy for you to find just the right one with this list. Now it’s upon you how wise you are about selecting words.

Cute Vermont Captions

There is no lack of beautiful natural scenery for you when you visit a state which is the most beautiful like Vermont. You can find a lot of scenery for photography here but if you want to make sure that your followers be happy after visiting your Instagram account. Then you should select the best words for your amazing and marvellous photos. 

If you feel everyone on Instagram is jealous of your feed, then make sure to select the best words for your photos. We have searched for the best words for this state image and compiled a list that shows wisdom and experience in the selection of the right words. No one can deny the reality the search for captions is very difficult especially when it is surprising.

Cute Vermont Captions

  • Vermont, the place that stole my heart.

  • Finding peace in the Vermont wilderness.

  • Vermont, where nature meets beauty.

  • Taking in the stunning views of Vermont.

  • Feeling grateful for the beauty of Vermont.

  • Looking for the best Vermont quotes?

  • I’ve got you covered!

  • So today, I’m sharing my love for all things Vermont.

  • In this post, I’ve put together quotes about Vermont, Vermont captions for Instagram, and funny Vermont puns, jokes, sayings, and one-liners.

  • “Embracing the simple life in Vermont.”

  • “Traded the city lights for Vermont nights.”

  • Falling in love with Vermont one hike at a time.

  • “Finding adventure in Vermont’s great outdoors.”

  • “Off to Vermont I go, to lose my mind and find my soul.”

  • “Taking in the stunning views of Vermont.”

  • “Follow your heart, even if it takes you all the way to Vermont.”

  • “Vermont has everything you need for a perfect day: mountains, lakes, rivers, forests and more!”

  • “Finding peace in the Vermont wilderness.”

  • “Feeling grateful for the beauty of Vermont.”

  • The Vermont mountains are calling and I must go.

  • Finding adventure in Vermont’s great outdoors.

  • All in all, Vermont is a jewel state, small but precious.” – Pearl S. Buck 

  • “The leaves are changing and so is Vermont. ”- Michael Schirling

  • “Vermont’s a very liberal state.” – Jesse Watter

  • Vermont, a place like no other.

  • Embracing the charm of Vermont.

  • The only thing better than a beautiful view is more beautiful views.

  • “Vermont is a small state which makes an enormous difference.”- Fred Rogers

  • “Vermont’s recreation opportunities are diverse and prevalent in every corner of the state.”- Phil Scott

  • Did somebody say maple syrup?

  • Once upon a time in Vermont.

  • Mother Nature is my kind of girl.

  • Vermont has everything you need for a perfect day: mountains, lakes, rivers, forests and more!

  • “No Vermont town ever let anybody in it starve.” – Dorothy Canfield Fisher

  • “I don’t have a PR rep. I live in Vermont.” – Colin Trevorrow

  • “Vermont is a small state which makes an enormous difference.” – Fred Rogers

  • · “The rainy season in Vermont is not long, but it definitely gets gloomy.” – Grace Potter

  • Vermont is my home and I love it so much!

  • Find me where the tall trees are.

  • Someone told me to ‘take a hike’ so I did.

  • One out of every 100 families in Vermont was a part owner of Ben and Jerry’s.” – Jerry Greenfield (Jerry, of Ben and Jerry’s)

  • “It is true, we do lack a good hip-hop channel, and our corn mazes are quite popular.” – Michael Schirling

  • “I grew up in Vermont, so we didn’t really have a TV, growing up, or a football team.” – Hannah Teter

    Cute Vermont Captions

  • “A year in Vermont, according to an old saw, is nine months of winter followed by three months of very poor sledging” – Bill Bryson

  • In the mood for a road trip? Head to Vermont!

  • But first, let’s go to Vermont.

  • “I’m going to a commune in Vermont and will deal with no unit of time shorter than a season.”- Tracy Kidder

  • “The United States – and Vermont in particular – has a history of welcoming people of all cultures and backgrounds.”- Phil Scott

  • “Vermont My Home: Is a love song for the Green Mountain State, celebrating the people, place, magic, and serenity of Vermont.”- T. Namaya

  • The mountains don’t just make us feel small, they make us feel like we can do anything.

  • Take advantage of this gorgeous weather by heading outdoors and exploring the great outdoors in Vermont!

  • I am just a mountain girl at heart.

Funny Vermont Captions

We can say that this state is one of the most Instagrammable places in the world. It is a fact that it is one of the most beautiful places in the world, where people go sightseeing and find it best to capture their pictures. If you desire that your photos should stand out from the crowd and go viral, then you have to go with the best captions. 

If you have a sense of humour in your personality then you will search for the words that suit your personality. These funny Vermont captions are best for you. You can choose according to your picture and put it on your Instagram, snapchat and Facebook. These words will help you to spread smiles on the faces of your followers.

Funny Vermont Captions

  • When you’re here, you feel like you’re in a dream.

  • You can see the mountains from your own backyard.

  • The trees are so tall, they seem to touch the sky!

  • It’s like a fairy tale come true!

  • I love Vermont because of her hills and valleys, her scenery and invigorating climate, but most of all because of her indomitable people.”- Calvin Coolidge

  • “Vermont’s landscape of forests, farms and communities – and their associated outdoor recreation opportunities – are a big reason why people choose to visit, live and work in Vermont.”- Phil Scott

  • “Compared with more emotional types, Vermonters seem to have few passions. But those they have are great and burning. The greatest is their conviction that without freedom human life is not worth living.”- Dorothy Canfield Fisher

  • “I am often reminded that the wellspring of Vermont liberty flows from Main Street, not State Street.” – James H. Douglas

  • “Black bears, though, are not fearsome. I encountered one on the road to my house in Vermont, alone at night. I picked up two stones just in case, but I wasn’t afraid of him. I felt a hunter’s exhilaration and a brotherly feeling.” – Edward Hoagland

  • “Where I live, in Vermont, there’s this thing that women know about men, which is this disease: their childhood was so idyllic that nothing in the rest of their life can ever be satisfying. It’s almost a plague.” – Colin Trevorrow

  • This is why I love Vermont.

  • I think I might have a crush on Vermont.

  • Vermont is my happy place.

  • On a date with mountains.

  • “Vermont is my happy place.”

  • “But first, let’s go to Vermont.”

  • “Once upon a time in Vermont.”

  • “Vermont, a place like no other.”

  • “Did somebody say maple syrup?”

  • “Vermont is sweet as maple syrup.”

  • “Visiting Ireland reminded me of when I first arrived in Vermont. I thought, ‘This is home.’” – Jane O’Meara Sanders

  • “Vermont’s recreation opportunities are diverse and prevalent in every corner of the state.” – Phil Scott

  • “Compared with more emotional types, Vermonters seem to have few passions. But those they have are great and burning. The greatest is their conviction that without freedom human life is not worth living.” – Dorothy Canfield Fisher

    Funny Vermont Captions

  • Traded the city lights for Vermont nights.

  • Falling in love with Vermont one hike at a time.

  • Me and Vermont: Love at first sight.

  • “Vermont, where nature meets beauty.”

  • “You can see the mountains from your own backyard.”

  • At home in Vermont.”

  • “Vermont on my mind.”

  • “On a date with Vermont.”

  • “Daydreaming in Vermont.”

  • “I left my heart in Vermont.”

Vermont Puns

You have great photos and ideas to post on your Instagram but you are not sure about how to caption them. You have tried funny and humorous captions but they did not work. You have also put cute and beautiful captions with your pictures, they also did not help you to increase your following. Now you don’t want to find beautiful words but words that help you to become famous.

Vermont Puns

You can choose one of the puns and can get popularity among your followers.

  • Tree-t yo’self

  • Vermont, you leaf me breathless

  • The view is tree-mendous!

  • Vermont tradition is based on the idea that group life should leave each person as free as possible to arrange his own life.” – Dorothy Canfield Fisher

  • “New England has a strong tradition of localism. What is ordinarily called election day in most of the United States is called town meeting day in Vermont.” – Murray Bookchin

  • “Vermont and Canada are not just neighbours, our communities are linked by family, friends, social and cultural connections, natural resources, commerce and more.” – Phil Scott

  • Branching out.

  • Orange you glad you get to see all the things I’m doing in Vermont?

  • The Green Mountain State.”

  •  “I’ve got a crush on Vermont.”

  • “Tall trees & mountain breeze.”

  • “Dear Vermont, you’re my absolute favorite.”

  • “In the mood for a road trip? Head to Vermont!

  • May the forest be with you.

  • I’ve lost my terrain of thought.

  • Time to syrup some fun!

  • “Let me branch out a little.”

  • “The view is tree-mendous!”

  • May the forest be with you.

  • Mountains aren’t just funny, they’re hill–areas.

  • I’m all a-boot hiking.

  • “Vermont, you leaf me breathless.”

  • Let me branch out a little.

  • Trails before ales, pines before wines.

    Vermont Puns

  • “Small merchants make up the majority of Vermont’s small businesses and thread our state together. It is the mom-and-pop grocers, farm-supply stores, coffee shops, bookstores and barber shops where Vermonters connect, conduct business and check in on one another.” – Peter Welch

  • Vermont, you leaf me breathless.

  • Treat yo self.

  • Really falling in love with Vermont.

  • Time to syrup some trouble.

  • This view is tree-menus.

  • Happy fall days from Vermont.

Vermont State Slogans

The natural landscapes and magnificent forests of this state are exemplary in the world in terms of their beauty. This is the reason why tourists from all over the world come here to enjoy the beauty and capture it in their cameras. The beauty of this area is the most important and attention-grabbing thing that attracts everyone towards it. 

Many slogans are used to attract tourists to the state. Some of the traditional slogans are used more than others. We have also prepared a list of these slogans for you to choose from and attract your followers to the state. These Vermont state slogans are best for you to show your love for the state with your friends and fans.

Vermont State Slogans

  • Ease of business, classical state.

  • The quickest way to do many things is to do one thing at a time.

  • Freedom and Unity.

  • Orange you glad you get to see fall the things I’m doing in Vermont?

  • Just lost my terrain of thought.

  • This is my kind of streaming.

  • Two’s company, threes a crowd.

  • How many Vermonters does it take to change a light bulb? Three: one to change it, and two to talk about how much better the old one was.

  • Vermont: where “through the covered bridge” is always part of giving directions.

  • In Vermont, the four seasons are: “almost winter,” “winter,” “still winter,” and “road construction.”

  • Calvin Coolidge was the greatest man who ever came out of Plymouth Corner, Vermont.~ Clarence Darrow

  • Take off your flannels before the first of May, and you’ll have a doctor’s bill to pay.

  • Paramount state of greater European Union.

  • I never want to leaf Vermont.

  • To sum it all up, we had a great time.

  • I need a change of altitude.

  • Vermont is right up my valley.

  • Did you hear the joke about the hill? I couldn’t get over it.

  • Might as well be hanged for an old sheep as for a lamb.

  • Vermont flashes the eagerness to live.

  • We make pancakes tolerable.

  • Emit with the light of Vermont.

  • So quaint it’ll make you puke.

  • Dazzle with Vermont’s scenic beauty.

  • Lyndon B. Johnson’s dreams out the State Vermont.

  • The state possess the ethos of business.

  • You can’t always tell by the looks of a toad how far he can jump.

  • See Vermont.

  • Compared with more emotional types, Vermonters seem to have few passions. But those they have are great and burning. The greatest is their conviction that without freedom human life is not worth living.” ~ Dorothy Canfield Fisher

  • Branching out a little.

  • Vermont, I lake you a lot.

  • The best thing about Burlington is that it’s so close to Vermont.

  • What separates a good hockey team from a great hockey team? The New Hampshire-Vermont border.

    Vermont State Slogans

  • Show the sunny heart, we love Vermont.

  • Spot the calmness of mind.

  • The world is your cow. But you have to do the milking.

  • To the European, a Yankee is an American.

  • Come with, dance with blazing sun of Vermont.

  • Land of nature, Land of tourists.

  • It won’t be warm till the snow gets off the mountain, and the snow won’t get off the mountain till it gets warm.

  • Leaf peepers: tourists who solo travel in the fall specifically to see the changing leaves.

  • Creemee: soft-serve ice cream.

  • Sugaring season: mid-winter to early spring, when maple syrup is made.

Vermont Sayings

It is a beautiful state with green hills and mountains. It always attracts its viewers towards itself. Sometimes captions are not enough to describe the beauty of such a state. At this point, you feel the need for more words like the sayings. If you are really worried about the words then these Vermont sayings are best for you to put on your social media accounts.

  • Better be ready and not go than go and not be ready.

  • What does ‘happy’ mean? Happiness is not a state like Vermont. ~ Abraham Maslow

  • Money is flat and meant to be piled.

  • The quickest way to do many things is to do one thing at a time.

  • Champ: the mythical (or maybe not!) monster in Lake Champlain.

  • Mud season: the period of snowmelt in late winter and spring break.

  • Flatlander: a derogatory term for someone who’s not from Vermont

  • “May the 14th star shine bright.” – stella quarta decima fulgeat: official Latin Vermont state motto.

  • You’ve got to remember, Vermont is a lot of beautiful mountains with valleys and small brooks that run into bigger rivers. ~ Peter Shumlin

  • It won’t be warm till the snow gets off the mountain, and the snow won’t get off the mountain till it gets warm.

    Vermont Sayings

  • And to a Vermonter who eats apple pie for breakfast.

  • To a Vermonter, a Yankee is someone who eats apple pie for breakfast.

  • “I grew up in Vermont, so we didn’t really have a TV, growing up, or a football team.”- Hannah Teter

  • “It is true, we do lack a good hip-hop channel, and our corn mazes are quite popular.”- Michael Schirling

  • “Vermont is the only place in America where I ever hear thrift spoken of with respect.”- Dorothy Canfield Fisher

  • Might as well be hanged for an old sheep as for a lamb.

  • Compared with more emotional types, Vermonters seem to have few passions. But those they have are great and burning. The greatest is their conviction that without freedom human life is not worth living.” ~ Dorothy Canfield Fisher

  • In New England we have nine months of winter and three months of darned poor sledding.

  • Welcome to the Green Mountain State.

  • Vermont is my happy place.

  • Tall trees and mountain breeze.

  • October in Vermont is the definition of heaven.

  • Sky above, earth below, peace within.

  • Let’s get lost in Vermont.

  • Vermont on my mind.

  • Over the river, and through the woods.

  • Sweeter than maple syrup.

  • Traded city lights for Vermont nights.

  • To the European, a Yankee is an American.

  • Take off your flannels before the first of May, and you’ll have a doctor’s bill to pay.

  • You can’t always tell by the looks of a toad how far he can jump.

  • You can’t keep trouble from coming, but you don’t have to give it a chair to sit on.

  • Peter Lucas and I live in Durham but spend a great deal of time in North Wales, where we have a cottage in the mountains, and in Vermont, USA, with my sister – who is a children’s writer married to a poet. ~ Anne Stevenson

  • Hain’t scarcely nuthin’ in the world so powerful as perversity if ye knows how to harness it.

  • The world is your cow. But you have to do the milking.

  • You have summer and winter together in Vermont before you really know each other.

  • There’s no wifi here, but you’ll find a better connection.

  • Vermont, the place that stole my heart.

  • You can keep your five-star hotel. I’ve got a million stars in the sky here.

Vermont Fall Quotes

Sometimes we feel the need for amazing quotes along with captions to support our photos with beautiful words. Quotes are such words that can describe things in a better way. These Vermont fall quotes are best for you.

Vermont Fall Quotes

You can choose one of them for your Instagram and then enjoy.

  • Happy fall-idays from Vermont

  • Vermont is a country unto itself. ~ Pearl S. Buck

  • Living in an autumn wonderland.

  • Whatever is good for your soul, do more of that.

  • Watch more sunsets than Netflix.

  • Me and Vermont: love at first sight.

  • Open hearts, open minds, and open trails.

  • One out of every 100 families in Vermont was a part owner of Ben and Jerry’s. ~ Jerry Greenfield

  • All in all, Vermont is a jewel state, small but precious. ~ Pearl S. Buck

  • “I am often reminded that the wellspring of Vermont liberty flows from Main Street, not State Street.”- James H. Douglas

  • “A year in Vermont, according to an old saw, is nine months of winter followed by three months of very poor sledding”- Bill Bryson

  • “Canada? Please. That’s like they took Vermont and made a whole country out of it, only more boring, and without the good maple syrup.”- Larry Correia

  • When I was in high school I moved from the big city to a tiny village of 500 people in Vermont. It was like The Waltons! ~ Daphne Zuniga

  • You either love Vermont in the fall or you’re wrong.

  • Traded the city lights for Vermont nights.

  • “I’m from Vermont, where to be stylish and cool is to have a dirty pair of hiking boots and know how to change a tire, hang drywall, and bale hay.”- Grace Potter

  • “Black bears, though, are not fearsome. I encountered one on the road to my house in Vermont, alone at night. I picked up two stones just in case, but I wasn’t afraid of him. I felt a hunter’s exhilaration and a brotherly feeling.”- Edward Hoagland

  • Orange, are you glad you get to see all the fall things I’m doing in Vermont?

  • “I am the longest-serving independent in the history of the United States Congress. People of Vermont sent me to Washington as an independent. That is true.”- Bernie Sanders 

  • “Vermont and Canada are not just neighbors, our communities are linked by family, friends, social and cultural connections, natural resources, commerce and more.”- Phil Scott

  • Calvin Coolidge was the greatest man who ever came out of Plymouth Corner, Vermont.~ Clarence Darrow

  • “Where I live, in Vermont, there’s this thing that women know about men, which is this disease: their childhood was so idyllic that nothing in the rest of their life can ever be satisfying. It’s almost a plague.”- Colin Trevorrow

  • “Falling in love with Vermont!”

  • “Living in an autumn wonderland in Vermont.”

  • “Vermont, you are the pumpkin spice to my fall!”

  • “You either love Vermont in the fall or you’re wrong”

    Vermont Fall Quotes


We can conclude that Vermont is one of the most amazing points for tourists in the world. If you are also a great nature lover you will also like to visit this state. This state is full of beautiful sceneries and natural beauty. When you visit such a place you always like to capture the moments. After that, the main thing is the selection of the right words for the amazing pictures. We have covered you with the list of Vermont captions and quotes for Instagram. 

Is Vermont in USA or Canada?

The location map of the state tells us that it is in the US. So, we can say that this state is located in the eastern US mainland.  

What is Vermont also known as?

For its green mountains and hills, it is also known as “Green Mountain State.”

Why is Vermont popular?

The state is popular for its natural beauty and small towns.

What is the climate in Vermont?

It has a cold snowy winter season and a pleasant warm summer season.

What is the coldest month in Vermont?

The coldest month in the state is January. During this month its average low temperature comes to 10 degrees.

What are cute Vermont captions?

Cute captions are: “Vermont, where nature meets beauty.” “Taking in the stunning views of Vermont.” “Feeling grateful for the beauty of Vermont.”  

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